Ecological Consultancy Services Ltd.

Ecological Appraisals

A wide range of species are protected by law in the UK. Levels of protection vary and understanding the implications of a species being present on a site can be complicated.

The most commonly encountered species are bats, common species of reptile such as slow worm or adder, great crested newts, badgers, dormice and barn owls. For sites near water courses surveys may also be needed to include water voles, otters or other specialist plant or invertebrate species.

More and more frequently applicants for planning permission are being asked by local authorities for some sort of ecological evaluation of their site. Sometimes a request is specific (e.g. bats) but often a report is requested which identifies any ecological impacts a proposal is likely to have. A wide range of terminology may be used including ‘site appraisal’, ‘ecological survey,’ ‘phase 1 habitat assessment’ or ‘scoping survey’. ECS can identify any potential ecological issues associated with a proposal at the earliest stage. We then advise the client of any further surveys or mitigation measures necessary to avoid impacts in order to be successful in gaining planning permission.

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